LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer Available Now

Have you seen the hottest toy yet of the holiday season? It is the LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer. This toy takes everything that people love about tablets and their interactiveness and puts it into kid size fun.

This tablet for children is all about being fun and teaching great skills. There are hundreds of activities that can be done on the LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer. This does not even take into account the amazing built in camer.

Make sure that you order yours today as they will not be around long with the demand for them! 

LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer Carrying Case

Easy Bake Oven On Sale

Did you have an Easy Bake Oven when you were little? Of course you did? This classic toy is still at the top of the holiday most wanted list. The creators of this wonderful baking set have even upgraded it for 2011. They have come out with the Easy Bake Ultimate Oven.

Easy Bake Ultimate Oven

This version of the classic toy does away with one trademark that no one will soon miss, the light bulb. Yes, that is right. This Easy Bake Oven does not need light bulbs in order to create all of the sweet treats. It is also in a very trendy pink color so that it stands out from the original that is still available to be ordered. The good news is that whether you choose the new version or the original, you can still use all of the great Easy Bake Oven mixes to make all sorts of goodies.

Playskool Explore and Grow Busy Ball Popper

When it comes to toys for the littlest members of your family, the Playskoll Explore and Grow Busy Ball Popper has got to be on the top of your shopping list. It has been on the top 100 of learning games and toys best selling list on Amazon for over 686 days now. You can check out the entire list here. The reason for this is that it takes one of the favorite past times of many infants and toddlers, putting things in and taking them back out, and puts it into a bright fun toy.

What is the Playskool Busy Ball Popper

It is a one piece toy that is made of up of a removable ball trough, tray, and tubes. This makes it ideal for not being too complicated to assemble parents. All that your child has to do is to press on the mushroom character to start the fun action of this toy. The balls will come out of the tube and end up in the tray. Once they have done this pop, they are ready to start all over again. It is that simple.

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